Sunday, April 3, 2011

Limpopo province; wild animals at Private Lodges

Limpopo Province; Thornybush Private Games Lodge

Thursday, 10 February

We are staying at a Dream Place. It is called a Hut, but it is only shaped like a hut - it is a very luxurious little house with fantastic views and decorated tastefully in african style- that is, with tribal masks, animal prints, earthy colours. There is a mosquito net on the bed, too. as I come in a monkey with a baby appears at the window. I don't think I need to see any other animals, I would be quite happy to stay here, for awhile. Just as in Zambia. Still, the drive in the jeep to the bush is an extraordinary experience. The rangers have succeeded to get the animals so used to the presence of humans in jeeps that we get close to them while they carry on living- eating, sleeping, yawning , caring for their young. I am told that the animals don't see us as humans; to them the jeep is a moving strange shape which since does not present any danger and is useless as food can be safely ignored.To maintain their trust we are not allowed to stand or talk.

The search for animals is exciting. There is the driver and a watcher working together in tracking animals. they use 'spoor' but also communicate by mobile phone. So we get to see a real 'alpha' lion, a young leopard, as well as the more common grass eating animals;giraffes, antilopes, impalas, more elephants, a rhinoceros and more zebras.

Thursday, 10 February, Friday, 11 February

Friday, April 1, 2011

Saturday, 12 February, 2011

Bliss. I am collected at the airport. On the way to the hotel I see why this town is renowned for its beauty.; there are mountains on the background amd the ocean facing it. We are taken on a walk around the hotel on the waterfron. We only need to cross the street and we are there -

there is the old port, the ships, the moving bridge.

We even see a dolphin.

Mostly it is like any port if it weren't for the people. They are a real rainbow in appearance and oh so lively. There are bands of musicians entertaining us; African drums, South American music, rock bands. We are taken then on a tour of the city but I am glad the hotel is on the waterfront so I can come back.

We are shown the opera, the Old Fort, the municipal offices, an open air market with sickly souvenirs - none which is very attractive except for some brightly coloured 'Malay quarters', the old indentured workers housing now being renovated. reminds me of the Rio de Janeiro houses but less bright.

The highlight of today is the ride with the Table Mountain Arial Cablecar- we are lucky that the weather is good. The views from the car as well as the countinous panorama on the way there are beyond the capacity of cameras. They have to be committed to memory.

A weak approximation of the magic of Table mountain view.